Farewell to Basto | Pożegnanie Basto

Last Wednesday night we were hit with terrible news. Basto passed away. He died working as a miner underground.

Everyone who tried to compete at Sensible Soccer online – knew Basto. When most of us were starting to play online, Basto was already there. He joined with the number 1350. Since then, he played almost 7,000 online matches, for the last time in 2017.

Whenever Basto appeared at an offline tournament, the atmosphere immediately got even better. He loved to joke around, and his phrase „sssiijjjj” made a permanent entry into the Sensible dictionary.

His death made us realize how fantastic community we were able to create. Basto, working as a miner, knew the dangers of his work. Therefore he once asked his wife, that in case of any accident she also informed us. This is a perfect example how a single childhood game changed our lives.

Basto, you will always be with us!

W środowy wieczór dotarły do nas fatalne wiadomości. Odszedł od nas Basto. Zginął w trakcie pracy, był górnikiem i pracował w kopalni. 

Basto znał każdy, kto próbował swoich sił w Sensible Soccer online. Gdy większość z nas zaczynała grać w sieci, Basto już tam był. Dołączył jako 1350. Od tamtej pory zagrał blisko 7000 meczów online, po raz ostatni w 2017 roku.

Gdy Basto pojawiał się na turnieju offline, momentalnie atmosfera stawała się jeszcze lepsza. Uwielbiał żartować, a jego powiedzenie „sssiijjjj” na stałe weszło do sensiblowego słownika. 

Jego śmierć uświadomiła nam, jak fantastyczna społeczność udało nam się stworzyć. Basto pracując jako górnik wiedział z jakimi niebezpieczeństwami związana jest Jego praca. Właśnie dlatego kiedyś poprosił swoją żonę by w razie wypadku poinformowała między innymi nas. To doskonale pokazuje, jak jedna gra z dzieciństwa, zmieniła nasze życie. 

Basto zawsze będziesz z nami!

36 comments on Farewell to Basto | Pożegnanie Basto

  1. This is a very sad news. I played a lot of times with Basto. He was a good player and an honest person. Condolences to his family. I will never forget Basto and the funny times that we spent playing Sensible Soccer.

  2. We’ve played. He won. I list. But he was a good membe rof our community, so that’s ok. And now we’ve lost him. Too soon. Too you young. Best wishes to his family..

  3. Sad news. I liked his sense of humor…He was peaceful person. I played many games with him. I remember when he came to our community (SEGA time). RIP Basto [‘]

  4. That terrible event, nobody would die while working, I’m really sad for him and his family. RIP my swos friend, I wish you a good travel, may God greet you in his embrace. My daily prayer is for you.


  5. Masakra…Spoczywaj w pokoju 🙁

    Wiem co chciałbyś teraz usłyszeć…SSIJ i ŻAL.PL

    Za jakiś czas zagramy w SWOS-a po tamtej stronie, szykuj serwer !

  6. It is very sad
    I saw him in 2012 in Gliwice at the SWOS Tournament
    I was in the group with him
    He told me
    Where have you been, drinking beer
    He thought he knew everyone
    SWOS players
    I hoped that I would play overtime with Basto
    We will miss your sense of humor
    Rest in peace

  7. I played probably hundreds of games against him, he beat me almost all the time. He was always friendly but patronising a litle bit after he won, probably because he knew I wanted to win so badly. I can’t belive that this happened. This is devastating. My deepest condolences. I will miss you and remember you Basto!

  8. This is really so sad. Like Dior I have played lots of matches online with Basto, and he was always friendly. Unfortunatly I never got to meet him IRL.

    My sincere condolences to his family. The SWOS community will never forget you.

    Rest in peace, SWOS-mate.

  9. Żegnaj Basto, będzie mi bardzo brakowało naszych meczów po 4-4 i 5-5…

    To wielka strata dla naszej społeczności, byłeś świetnym graczem i kolegą.

    Zapamiętam Cię na zawsze.

  10. That’s devastating news. Thinking about Basto will always put a smile to my face. I played with him so often, Sega online, Amiga online, Offline tournaments… always looked forward to play with him. The reason is so simple and genuine: His humor and personality captured the essence of Sensible Soccer. Funny, sometimes sarcastic, never selfish, always with a twinkle in his eye.

    Farewell, Sebastian! You will be missed.
    Love, peace, empathy,


  11. hello dear friend, I remember that when we played, every time I wrote to you in chat: “General basto” and you laughed. R.I.P my friend

  12. Spoczywaj w pokoju. Choć dostałem od Ciebie dużo razy bęcki, raz dałeś mi wygrać.

    Najszczersze kondolencje dla rodziny.

  13. I met Sebastian only once. It was two years ago during the offline tournament held on the shore of a big lake in southern Poland. Basto being a nice, joyful guy and a great SWOS player – that goes without saying. To this tournament I went with my wife and then 1 year old son. The picture we both remember most vividly is not SWOS-related. It’s Sebastian having good time with our little Philip, holding him in his arms, rocking him until he fell asleep. Basto was sorry then he hadn’t brought his family so we all could meet each other and kids have fun together. My wife and I thought what a great guy Sebastian was and surely wonderful father to his children. We will always fondly remember him – the guy we spent only a few hours with, but the picture I’ve just described will stay with us forever. Rest in Peace, Sebastian. Deepest condolences to your wife and kids.

    Ania and Maciek

  14. Last Wednesday was a very sad day for the SWOS community. I never played versus Basto offline, but I once watched a video of some big polish tournament on YouTube: Nearly all the time people were screaming and supporting: “Basto, Basto, Basto!” So he must have been a very popular player. We SWOSERs will miss you, mate!

    My thoughts are with his family – all the best for you!


  15. RIP Basto. A genuine nice guy, well loved in the community, and an excellent player. Our thoughts are with his loved ones.

    Colin / Rock

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